Sunday, 22 June 2008

Zen in the press - Sunday June 22nd

Mike Pendergast is quoted in this Sunday's "Wealthcheck" in the Independent on Sunday

Friday, 6 June 2008

Zen in the press - Money Marketing - 5th June 2008

Mike comments on the distinction between independent advisers and those who are tied to a particular company and can only offer the financial products of that company. View the article here.

Thursday, 5 June 2008

The value of mortgage advice

The Association of Mortgage Intermediaries has produced an excellent guide on the value of mortgage advice - click here to read the summary article and to download a copy of the report.

Zen in the press - FT - 5th June 2008

Zen Financial Services were today quoted in one of the FT websites, commenting on the housing situation. Click here to see the article.