Friday, 30 May 2008

Have you made a will?

I have been busy doing some more financial awareness sessions for e-on today - one key point that came out of the morning session is that the majority of people have not made a will, sometimes for a variety of reasons.

A will is vital as it clarifies exactly what should happen to your assets in the event of your demise. If you don't make a will. someone else will decide what happens to all your worldly goods, so to retain control and to ensure no family arguments ensue, it is well worth taking the plunge and making a will.

Zen offer a fixed price will writing service which starts at £75 per person. Contact us here for more information.

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Latest from Zen

We have been dashing around a lot recently at Zen and therefore apologise for no recent updates!

Mike has been working in conjunction with the Financial Services Authority and e-on (the power company) to provide educational seminars for their employees. This has been very well received - should any employers be looking for a way to motivate staff and to provide them with easy to understand ways to manage their finances better, this is an excellent way of organising such a programme.

Zen is also now a Chartered Firm within the Chartered Insurance Institute, which is testament to our policies and procedures - to find out more on what this means for our clients, click here.

We are currently reviewing our clients investment portfolios in view of the recent market ups and downs and should any action be required, we will let you know asap.

More soon !
